For many drivers, vehicle theft is the worst thing that can happen. Unfortunately, it can – and does – occur. According to the Office of National Statistics, over 130,000 cars were stolen between October 2022 to September 2023, an 8% increase from the year before. If your car has been stolen, we’re here to help you. We’re sharing what to do if your car is stolen. We’ll also discuss what happens if your car is stolen then found (in the UK).

My Car Has Been Stolen – What Do I Do?
Before calling the police to report your stolen car, take a minute to see if there is another explanation. Does anyone else have a key? If the answer’s yes, you should ask them if they have moved the car. Or perhaps your car was towed because it was parked somewhere it shouldn’t be. These are both explanations of why your car may not be where you left it.
If you’re sure the vehicle has not been moved, here’s what to do if your car is stolen:
Report the stolen car to the police
The first thing you should do if your car is stolen is report the theft to the police. Call 101 to be put through to your local police station. You should mention your car model, make, registration plate and colour. The police will provide a crime reference number which you should keep safe as you will need it.
Inform your insurance provider
Next, you should inform your insurance provider that your car has been stolen. Tell the insurance company the crime reference number provided when you filed your police report. The company will advise on the insurance claim process. You will need to provide proof of ownership when submitting an insurance claim.
What Happens Next?
What happens when your car is stolen and then found UK?
The police will inform you if your car is found. You must then let your insurance provider know that the car has been found, mentioning any damage, whether the car has been involved in committing a crime or if it is unsafe for you to drive. You do not need to recover the car yourself, as the police will arrange for it to be recovered. This may involve paying a £150 vehicle recovery fee, usually claimable through your insurance.
What happens if the stolen car is not found?
In the event that your car is not found, your insurance provider may pay you the market value of your vehicle, covering the cost of a replacement. If your insurance provider pays out, you must tell the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) that you no longer own the vehicle – the insurance company is now the legal owner. Note that not all types of insurance cover theft. For instance, third party insurance only does not cover vehicle theft, while fully comprehensive car insurance does. You should check your insurance policy documents to see if theft is covered.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have further questions about the topic of what to do if your car is stolen, you may find the answers to those questions below:
Does third party insurance cover vehicle theft?
Third party only policies do not cover you or your car if it is stolen. These policies cover the other person and their car if you cause an accident. However, third party, fire and theft insurance does cover vehicle theft.
Does temporary car insurance cover theft?
Usually, temporary car insurance automatically includes comprehensive insurance, meaning your car is covered in the event of theft. However, it is always best to confirm this in your insurance terms by reviewing the policy documents yourself.
How long does it take to get an insurance payout?
This depends on your insurance provider and the type of cover you have. Your vehicle insurance company may wait to see if the car is found. If the car is not found, you may receive an insurance settlement equal to the market value of the car, allowing you to purchase a replacement.
Ways To Improve Your Vehicle Security
Below are ways to improve your vehicle security and reduce the likelihood of your car being stolen:
Ensure the car is locked
Once you have parked and exited your car, you should ensure all doors and windows are securely closed and locked. It only takes a few seconds to double-check your doors and could stop your vehicle from being stolen.
Purchase a car alarm
Car alarms come with sensors and are designed to protect your vehicle and personal items. The alarm will go off if it senses any disturbances to the vehicle. Car alarms act as a deterrent for thieves, thus reducing the likelihood of vehicle theft and increasing the security of your car.
Select a car tracking device
A car tracker (or GPS tracker) lets you know the location of your car at all times. If your car has been stolen, you can use the tracker to determine its location and then inform the police. A tracking device is a great choice to keep your car safe and recovered if stolen.
Opt for a car immobiliser
Opting for a car immobiliser means your car will only start if the correct key is used. Some thieves may try to use tactics such as hot wiring to steal your car, however, a car immobiliser protects your car from falling victim to such techniques, therefore improving your vehicle’s security.
You should now be aware of what to do if your car is stolen and how to protect your car from thieves.
Improve Your Vehicle Security Today
If you are looking to improve your vehicle security, let our team help you. Here at Motorguard, we have helped people improve their vehicle security for over 20 years. We stock renowned car alarms, tracking devices and many other car security items. For more information on how you can protect your car from being stolen, give us a call on 0121 373 3122 today. We’re happy to help, however we can.